LAST MINUTE opportunity for post abortive siblings

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO GO ON THE RETREAT!! .I have just found out that there is space, and funding, still available for a few more to come on the first ever post abortive sibling weekend retreat!!! It starts this Friday evening, and ends Sunday afternoon at a retreat house in Catonsville, MD, just outside of Baltimore. For more info, and to reserve your spot, contact Theresa Bonopartis at Lumina Hope & Healing After Abortion ASAP!
Whether you are able to be on the retreat or not, please keep all involved in your thoughts and prayers. I went to one of the day retreats a few years back, and that was instrumental in me forming the blog, this facebook profile, my sibling only group on here, etc. Definitely, very healing to me, but more emotionally taxing than I expected it to be.
PS: Please share this if you are able. There are many that are post abortive siblings, but not public about it, and your sharing could really help them

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