A Father Writes To His Aborted Son

​My Dearest Son,  I was a 14 year old young boy. I was dating my first and only girlfriend I had ever had in my life. We started “dating” when I was 10 years old. About 1 year earlier, around 13 years old, we had become sexually active with each other. We were much too […]

Thanksgiving!! :)

Here in America we are celebrating Thanksgiving today. I’m hoping that it is, or has been a very blessing filled day for all of you. Things have been pretty stressful lately, but I realized that I have ALOT to be thankful for! 🙂 In my personal life, as well as my pro life ministry! Here […]

Pro Life Victory! :)

  This is beautiful! 🙂 It has got to be spread around that even those performing the abortion can have a change of heart! Those of us who pray, should remember them often. Especially the ones who have taken our family members. Never give up, guys!! Pro choice president or not, let’s keep spreading the […]