Time For Understanding

This evening I had the great honor of receiving confirmation that my writings are helping non post abortives learn about the pain of post abortive siblings!! 😀 Thank you to Ashley, for sharing this with me! If any of you have something you’d like to share about how you also became aware, or whatever, feel […]

Why I Speak Up

I have been asked plenty of times, why I speak about my loss so often and so publicly. And frankly, there are several reasons. Initially, the main reason was because there was so little available for or about us post abortive siblings. I had no one to talk to about my pain and such, besides […]

Paying Tribute To My Brother

As some know, the anniversary of mom’s abortion is just under a month away. 2/14/15 will the 20th. And while it is definitely a sad and hard thought, I have decided that even more than in past years I want to celebrate that day, and spend it helping others, especially the hurting. I trust that […]