He Saw Us (Original)

I have been thinking a lot about the upcoming anniversary of my brother’s passing (2/14) as well as the anniversary of when we found out about it (1/22/07). Even though I am mostly at peace with his loss, there are times when it is harder, like lately. Today, while my mind was wandering again, a […]

Sense Of Presence

A few months ago, while thinking of Joey and Chloe (my sibs) and so many other babies gone before we could meet them, I started writing a poem. Never finished, until today. This is dedicated to all who can relate. I hope this can bring comfort. You may share if you so desire and think […]

Sarah In Heaven (A Post Abortive Sibling Reflection)

This is taken from Silent No More’s webpage: http://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/testimonies/testimony.aspx?ID=2659 Special thanks to my friend, Bea, for pointing it out to me. It always means a lot to see that other people are thinking about sibling pain and helping me spread the word. I do not know this woman, but hopefully somehow we can eventually connect. […]