Interviewing With Silent No More

A few years ago, I was contacted by Silent No More, who wanted to interview me 🙂 It was a great honor that they were willing to give me yet another opportunity to share my story, so I agreed. It was painful but definitely worth it.  I wondered a few times what had become of the interview, but tried not to be pushy or impatient. Well, the other day, by pure accident, I came across it 🙂 2 friends, who are not post abortive siblings, saw something mentioning that during the month of April, SNM was going to be spotlighting sibling pain, and thought of me and the work I do. That really meant a lot! I was grateful that I came to mind, but also for the reminder, as I had forgotten they do that! It’s been awhile since I was on the page so I clicked the link, and in the upper right corner was a video titled: ‘April Message-Surviving Sibling’. I rarely watch videos on the computer, but this one caught my attention because it had my blog name in the title! I wondered if it was a coincidence, or if I was finally going to see and be able to share my interview! Well, it was the latter! Yea! Now, I will admit, I am actually very shy about seeing my face/hearing my voice on film, but I am sharing it because years ago I made the decision to be an advocate for other post abortive sibs, as I so wanted when I first started looking for help. If you want to see/share it, you can find it here: The whole thing runs a little over 8 minutes.

After further exploration I realized they also shared some of my story in the other video as well! Again it was an honor, but what was even greater to me is that they started off by sharing my mom’s testimony! I am so proud of her for agreeing to do it and so thankful that I have her blessing in speaking out. Because of that, many others are able to start finding healing and sharing their stories too!

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