Sharing My Story With Even More!

Since I submitted my ireport on CNN ( ) I have received two HUGE invitations!! The first was to share my story on Cradle My Heart Radio ( ) with Kim Ketola! This will be my first radio interview and will take place this Sunday, March 3rd at 6pm pacific time. By going […]

Thank You!! :)

This morning, I checked my blog and was so grateful to see that yet another country had been added to my list! Look how full my map is becoming! 🙂 So I just wanted to say thank you for all your support! It means alot to me that even in other countries people are getting […]

Exciting New Opportunity

I was so happy to see yesterday, that CNN is looking for IReporters affected by abortion! I think it is primarily for the mothers, but I know of at least one father that shared. I think this is also open to parents who considered abortion but ended up choosing to keep the child instead. If anyone […]